Environmental Services & Support N.V. (ESS) is a registered consultancy firm, established in Suriname in 2005. For public and private sector clients, we implement multidisciplinary projects that require ‘green’ as well as ‘grey’ environmental expertise. We combine expertise that is available in Suriname and globally, and we put it to work.

Mission and Approach
Based on our expertise in relation to forests, nature and environment, we provide clients in a timely manner with useful research results and advice. We support them to be successful in achieving their goals, within the context of responsible (business) development in natural and human-made environments. We are very much committed to providing services and support that meet or exceed international professional standards.
ESS works by using its network to mobilize the local and international experts required for the job. Whenever possible, ESS involves local students in the implementation of its projects, giving them the chance to acquire knowledge and skills.
At present, the geographical focus of ESS is Suriname and the Guianas in general.
You may further browse our website, download our company profile here or visit the ESS social media pages.

Sustainable Forest Management and Certification
In forest management and timber harvesting, wise use and sustainability have become of critical importance. Certification is the means to achieve sustainability and to communicate sustainable land and production management with the market and the public. ESS helps companies with feasibility studies, management plans, and with sustainable forest management and obtaining ‘green’ certification.

Baseline, Environmental Impact and Monitoring Studies
Development projects require that the baseline situation before the project starts is assessed, and that impact on the biophysical and social environment is predicted and
monitored, and environmental costs versus benefits are known. Knowledge is needed on measures to reduce adverse impacts and enhance beneficial ones. ESS
implements baseline and impact assessment studies in relation to e.g. mining, energy, agriculture, forestry, and transport development projects.

Valuation of Intangible Resources
Natural areas are often defined by intangibles with uncertain market value, such as clean water, fresh air, carbon sequestration and diversity of life. Such intangibles can be experienced directly by visitors, and this is the basis of nature tourism and a key aspect of ecotourism. ESS advises on how to conserve such intangibles and transform them into tangible revenues, such as by means of tourism (e.g. ecotourism), and carbon valuation, with due consideration of cultural sensitivities.

Training, Extension and Publication
Performance and results depend on well trained people, equipped to their task.
Training and extension help to stay informed concerning developments in various fields. ESS offers help with tailor-made design and the organizing of training and extension meetings, at least in the context of the forest and environmental sectors. ESS also contributes to education and awareness through publication of information related to ecology and the environment, in collaboration with other organizations.

Plan, Policy and Project Development
Suggestions and ideas, even global initiatives in the forest and environmental sectors need to be translated in realistic policies and well documented plans at a manageable scale. This is true for businesses as well as governments. ESS offers its support for policy, plan and project development

Project Management, Fundraising, and Recruitment
Within the forest and environmental sectors context, ESS can assume the responsibility of project manager on behalf of its clients. It also offers support to identify and approach funds and donors, and to recruit experienced staff and trainees.
For a detailed list of projects executed by ESS, you may click here or select the projects tab