Baseline, Environmental Impact, and Monitoring Studies

Development projects require that the baseline situation before the project starts is assessed, and that impact on the natural and social environment is predicted and monitored. Environmental and social costs versus benefits must be known. Knowledge is needed on measures to reduce adverse impacts and enhance beneficial ones. ESS implements baseline and impact assessment studies in relation to e.g. mining, energy, agriculture, forestry and transport development projects.
ESS has executed the following assignments regarding Baseline, Environmental Impact, and Monitoring Studies:

Assignment Period Client
Merian Reclamation Areas Monitoring

Assessment of potential impacts of flaring on birds at Staatsolie Saramacca Concession

Newmont Biodiversity Offset Monitoring

Gap Analysis Newmont TSF2 Merian Mine




2022- 2023

Newmont Suriname, LLC


Newmont Suriname, LLC

Newmont Suriname, LLC

Archeology / Tangible Heritage Baseline Study TSF 3 2022-2023 Rosebel Gold Mines NV (RGM)
Ecological Baseline Studies TSF3 – phase 1 2022 Rosebel Gold Mines NV (RGM)
Ecological Baseline Studies TSF3 – phase 2 2022 Rosebel Gold Mines NV (RGM)
Socio-economic study in Galibi as part of the Marine Turtle Programme in Suriname 2022 World Wildlife Fund, Inc. (WWF)
EIA for Digicel Suriname Submarine Fiber Cable Project (Paramaribo) 2022-2023 Digicel Suriname/ Digicel Group
Environmental and Social Impacts of Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASM) Consultancy 2022 National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS)
Eco-hydrological study Nanni Swamp 2021 Government of Suriname, Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries (LVV)
Newmont Biodiversity Offset Monitoring 2021-2022 Newmont Suriname, LLC
Submarine Fiber Cable Project (Telesur) 2021-2022 United Caribbean Contractors (UCC) for Telesur
ESIA Addendum for the Tailings Storage Facility 2021-2022 Environment Resources Management Ltd. (ERM, Canada) for IAMGOLD Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
ESIA for Digicel Suriname Submarine Fiber Cable Project (Corantijn River). Complete ESIA implemented by ESS. 2021 – 2022 Digicel Suriname
Additional Baseline Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Sabajo Extension of the Merian Mine (Suriname) 2019 – 2020 ILACO Engineering NV (ILACO) for Newmont Goldcorp
Desk study of Suriname marine / coastal ecosystems for Biological Baseline Shallow Offshore ESIA 2019 – 2020 ILACO Engineering NV (ILACO) for Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.
Ecological ground truthing of the re-aligned haul road trajectory from Saramacca Concession to the Mill of Rosebel Gold Mines (Suriname). 2019 – 2020 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
The Third Party Review for the Cofferdam- Klaverblad Mine Case (Suriname) 2019 ILACO Engineering NV (ILACO) for Bauxite Commission of gov. Suriname.
Additional Baseline Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Saramacca Extension of the Rosebel Mine (Suriname) 2018 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Assessment of revegetation success at Rosebel Gold Mines (Suriname) within the scope of the Environmental Management Plan (follow-up) 2018 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Additional Herps Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Saramacca Extension of the Rosebel Mine (Suriname) 2018 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Additional Aquatic Ecology / Fish Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Saramacca Extension of the Rosebel Mine (Suriname) 2018 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Baseline Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Sabajo Extension of the Merian mine (Suriname) 2017 – 2018 ILACO Engineering NV (ILACO) for Newmont Goldcorp (USA)
Assessment of revegetation success within the scope of the Environmental Management Plan 2017 – 2018 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Baseline Studies in the context of the ESIA of the Saramacca Extension of the Rosebel mine (Suriname) 2017 Iamgold Rosebel Goldmines NV (Suriname), subsidiary of IAMGOLD Corporation (Canada)
Additional research into the occurrence of the catfish Cetopsis sp. in the Merian Concession of Newmont Suriname 2017 – 2018 Newmont Goldcorp Suriname, subsidiary of Newmont Goldcorp (USA)
Facilitate Regular Data Input for
the Stock Assessment of the Atlantic
Seabob Shrimp Industry in Suriname
2016 Nautilus Consultants (United Kingdom)
Determination of Target Values for Re-vegetation related to closure of bauxite mines in Suriname 2015 -2016 SRK Consulting, INC. (USA) for Suralco LLC (subsidiary of ALCOA)
Environmental Characterization and Assessment of Stowell Landfill (Suriname) 2013 -2014 Suralco LLC (subsidiary of ALCOA)
Determination of Target Values for Re-vegetation related to closure of bauxite mines in Suriname 2013 -2014 SRK Consulting, INC. (USA) for Suralco LLC (subsidiary of ALCOA)
Terrestrial ecology assessment for ESIA of The Suhosa Port / Plan B project (Suriname) 2012 Environment Resources Management, Inc. (ERM, USA) for Suralco LLC (subsidiary of ALCOA)
Terrestrial Ecology Baseline Study in relation to Merian Gold Mine project (Suriname) 2011 – 2012 Environment Resources Management, Inc. (ERM, USA) for Surgold LLC (Newmont-ALCOA joint venture)
Terrestrial Ecological Baseline Study in relation to Wageningen Sugarcane project (Suriname) 2011 – 2013 Environment Resources Management, Inc. (ERM, USA) for Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.
ESIA for Staatsolie River Seismic Exploration Project baseline of / impact on ‘green’ environment (Suriname) 2011 -2012 Dirk Noordam Environmental Consultant for Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.
Methodological proposal / Work Plan / Cost estimate for Lelydorp 1 and Para North – Kankantrie North mines Baseline Studies (Suriname) 2011 Environmental Resources Management, Inc. (ERM, USA) for Alcoa World Alumina, LLC
Scoping study for Environmental Impact Assessment Pokigron – Pusugrunu road (Suriname) 2010 – 2011 PROSUR (Suriname) for Government of Suriname
Terrestrial Ecology Baseline Study in relation to Nassau Bauxite Mine project (Suriname) 2010 – 2012 Environment Resources Management, Inc. (ERM, USA) for Suralco LLC (subsidiary of ALCOA)
Evaluation of feasibility of two Palm Oil Plantation projects in Eastern Suriname 2010 -2011 The Royal Tropical Institute (KIT; The Netherlands)
Assistance in relation to Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) of IIRSA Transport Infrastructure Initiatives in Suriname and Guyana 2007 – 2008 Royal Haskoning (The Netherlands) / Sunecon (Suriname)
Terrestrial Ecology specialist study, as part of the ESIA of Bakhuis transport project (Suriname) 2007 – 2009 SRK consulting (South Africa) for BHP Billiton