Sustainable Forest Management and Certification

In forest management and timber harvesting, wise use and sustainability have become of critical importance. Certification is the means to achieve sustainability and to communicate sustainable land and production management with the market and the public. ESS helps companies with feasibility studies, management plans, and with sustainable forest management and obtaining ‘green’ certification. Regarding the trade in Surinamese timber species click for more info

ESS has executed the following assignments regarding Sustainable Forest Management and Certification:

Assignment Period Client

SUStainable Timber from SurinAME (SUSTAME): aiming at the creation of community forest enterprises and (inter)national trade of sustainably sourced conservation timber from FSC certified community forests in Suriname.

Cities4Forest (C4F) initiative: a partnership between the indigenous community of Bigi Poika and the City of Amsterdam (Netherlands)





Stichting ProBos (The Netherlands)



Stichting ProBos (The Netherlands)

Forest Carbon Project Development Consultancy-II 2023-2024 CI-Suriname / Face Forests B.V (Face the Future)
Forest Carbon Project Development Consultancy 2022 CI-Suriname / Face Forests B.V (Face the Future)
Tropical Timber Trade Portal – Update of the Suriname Country Profile & writing of a news item “Improved production control in Suriname” 2020 FORM International and European Timber Trade Federation (ETTF) (The Netherlands)
Preparation and performance of training on the EUTR (EU Timber Regulation) for the Dutch Food Safety Authority (NVWA) 2018 Tropenbos International (The Netherlands)
Environmental Issues related to Industrial Charcoal Making in Suriname 2018 – 2019 Foundation For Sustainable Wood Processing in Suriname (FSWPS)
Tropical Timber Trade Portal – Update of the Suriname Country Profile 2018 FORM International (The Netherlands)
Preparation and performance of various training sessions on product / process standards and certification for the Suriname wood-workers industry 2017 Government of Suriname (Ministry of Trade & Industry)
The making of promotional infosheets on (10) lesser-known timber species (LKTS) from Suriname 2017 Foundation ProBos (The Netherlands)
Peer review of the FSC (group) certification documents of forest management groups in The Netherlands 2017 Control Union Certification B.V (The Netherlands)
Peer Review of Documents for Certification of Reed (Thatch) of the Netherlands 2016 Engbers Bosbeheer (The Netherlands)
Member of the advisory board of the Public Grant Facility Sustainable (green) Energy (SDE, Netherlands). 2016 Netherlands Enterprise Agency 
Logging damage assessment Forest estate Carolina, Suriname 2016 Foundation for decendants of Carolina Plantation (Stichting Nazaten Plantage Carolina, Suriname)
Multi-perspective analysis of drivers of deforestation, forest degradation and barriers to REDD+ activities in Suriname 2016 – 2017 UNIQUE forestry and land use GmbH (Germany)
Peer review forest management certification reports Staatsbosbeheer (SBB) / Natuurmonumenten (NM) (The Netherlands) 2016 Control Union Certifications B.V (The Netherlands)
Value Chain Analysis for the Domestic Furniture Industry in Suriname 2015 – 2016 Center for Promotion of Import from Developing Countries (CBI, The Netherlands)
Peer Review Draft Forest Management Plan Greenheart Suriname 2015 Control Union Certification B.V (The Netherlands)
Representation of Charbon Engineering in the Guianas 2015 Charbon Engineering (The Netherlands)
Organization and Coordination of Sector Meetings about Suriname Domestic Furniture 2015 Center for Promotion of Import from Developing Countries (CBI, The Netherlands)
Sustainable Tropical Timber Trade Mission (Business Encounters) to Suriname 2015 Stichting ProBos (The Netherlands)
Technical Review of the Business Plan for an Integrated Forest Based Industry in Suriname 2015 – 2016 ARRO Group of Companies (Suriname)
Organization of a Consultation Meeting with the Suriname Forest Sector, in the Context of the Suriname IDH program, phase 2 2014 Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH, The Netherlands)
Suriname Forestry Sector Analysis for Possible Participation in the CBI Program 2014 Center for Promotion of Import from Developing Countries (CBI, The Netherlands)
Local Representative for the Sustainable Trade Initiative in Suriname 2014 – 2015 Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH, The Netherlands)
Support to the FSC Controlled Wood Certification of the Forest Operations and Wood Processing Facilities (Suriname) 2014 – 2015 Troluco Holding N.V. (Suriname)
Support to the Weerribben and Wieden Riet certification Proces (The Netherlands) 2014 Engbers Bosbeheer (The Netherlands)
Development of Information Sheets on a Number of Suriname’s Lesser Known Timber Species 2014 Tropenbos International Suriname
Assistance in the Final FSC Certification Audit of the Suma Lumber Logging Company (Suriname) 2007 Control Union Certification  B.V (The Netherlands)
Assessment of legality of Timber Harvesting and Trade in Suriname 2006 – 2007 Loggers’ Platform in Suriname (PHS)
Development of business, management and Operational Plans for Concessionaire Overeem 2005 – 2010 Eversur Company, Tropical Timber Company, Mr. Overeem (Suriname)
Development of a CD-Rom on Sustainable Forest Management in Suriname 2004 – 2005 Loggers’ Platform in Suriname (PHS)